Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dallas gets a new Architecture Critic

Mark Lamster will be the new architecture critic for the Dallas Morning News. He will take over the post once held by David Dillon,  who passed away in 2010 and wrote about Dallas architecture for 25 years.  The fact that the position is being filled is encouraging both for Dallas' arts community and for those who bemoan the demise of news papers. Check out his CV from the Design Observer.  He will also teach at UTA, a great school, but maybe a bit of culture shock for someone coming from New York, or maybe not:  When Antón García Abril, who also taught at UTA,  returned to Dallas for a lecture, he proceeded to compare his work to Texas Barbecue: it's about meat and heat (no sauce!), meaning there's an economy of means and an implicit honesty its execution (up yours, Kansas City).  Check out the Guide's Article

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